BenQ Interactive Displays

Transform your office or classroom into a truly collaborative space.
Discover BenQ Interactive Displays for Corporate and Education applications.

Corporate Interactive Display

Corporate Interactive Display

BenQ Corporate Interactive Displays are designed to tap into the dynamic possibilities of the modern meeting room and help businesses develop and maintain an environment where ideas flow freely. It allows for extended, seamless team collaboration, stimulating more innovative ideas and is perfect for fostering collaboration then turning your creativities from abstract to real. BenQ Corporate Interactive Display is the beginning of infinite possibilities.

Interactive Displays for Education

Interactive Displays for Education

The ongoing change in the educational landscape has created opportunities for educators to enhance the learning experience with better tools. At BenQ, we understand that in-class technology must also work with hybrid and distance learning. Maximize engagement both in and out of the classroom with interactive solutions created to improve student performance. Focus on giving lessons that leave an impact and give the leaders of tomorrow the tools they need.

Software Series

Software Series

Prepare Your Class with Great Efficiency

Interactive Displays for Education


Wi-Fi adapter, Wall-mount kit, Conference Camera

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